CAVALOR MUD DOC 100% natural antibacterial treatment for Mud Fever & Greasy Heel

CAVALOR MUD DOC 100% natural antibacterial treatment for Mud Fever & Greasy Heel


MUD DOC from CAVALOR is a 100% natural but extremely effective treatment for mud fever.

Cavalor has reinvented its approach to treating mud fever.  More than 10 essential oils work together to heal, soothe and disinfect the pastern cavities.  The formula is 100% natural and will make mud fever disappear like a puff of smoke!

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MUD DOC from CAVALOR is a 100% natural but extremely effective treatment for mud fever.

Cavalor has reinvented its approach to treating mud fever.  More than 10 essential oils work together to heal, soothe and disinfect the pastern cavities.  The formula is 100% natural and will make mud fever disappear like a puff of smoke!
What is mud fever?
Mud fever is without doubt one of the most recognisable skin problems in horses.  Mud fever is a collective name for different forms of skin irritation on a horse’s legs.  In serious cases the whole lower leg can swell up and, if left untreated this can result in lameness.
The most well-know symptoms are redness, scales, scabs and cracks in the pastern.  Bacteria and fungi can grow very quickly in the pastern and thrive there in the warm, damp conditions.
Mud fever can have different causes.  For instance dirt, mud, insects and washing out cracks in the skin too often.  Fungal infections, itch-mite and sunburn are also frequently occurring causes.  Because the pastern is in constant movement when the horse moves, it can take a long time to heal.
Healthy feet, happy feet
Cavalor MudDoc is very fast acting thanks to the unique combination of many essential oils such as Aloe Vera, Lavender, Eucalyptus and Tea Tree.
Cavalor MudDoc works on different levels to heal mud fever.  The antiseptic properties make the pastern cavities inhospitable for the bacteria that cause mud fever, while wound healing and analgesic properties support the welfare of the horse.
By promoting the blood circulation, the wounds will heal faster.  Also the moisturing effect of the cream will improve skin elasticity so ther is less formation of scar tissue and the coat will grow back faster.  Keeping the skin elastic is important to preven skin cracks which appear frequently during intensive exercise such as show jumping.
Directions for use
If necessary, shave away the hair around the mud fever.  Clean the affected area with a disinfecting shampoo.  Dry the pastern thoroughly and then apply Cavalor MudDoc daily.  Continue to apply even after the mud fever appears to have gone to prevent a reinfection.